
How to use Manta Wallet in dApp

This doc mainly introduces the private-related content in Manta Wallet; some other content of Wallet Extension is similar to other Polkadot wallets, so this doc will not introduce too much.

Note: For private transactions, it is no longer necessary to import manta.js on the dApp side



There are two ways to use Manta Wallet.

  1. Using the NPM package of @talismn/connect-wallets, Manta Wallet has not been officially launched yet, and a PR cannot be submitted to the @talismn/connect project. Currently use manta-extension-connect instead.
import { getWallets } from 'manta-extension-connect'

const selectedWallet = getWallets().find((wallet) => wallet.extensionName === 'manta-wallet-js');
await selectedWallet.enable('dApp name');

const mantaWallet = selectedWallet?.extension;
const privateWallet = mantaWallet?.privateWallet;
  1. Use the privateWallet object injected in window
const injectedMantaWallet = window.injectedWeb3['manta-wallet-js'] as InjectedWeb3;
const mantaWallet = await injectedMantaWallet.enable('dApp name');

const privateWallet = mantaWallet?.privateWallet;

TypeScript type support

Just import the interfaces.ts file, which will be published to npm later.

const privateWallet = privateWallet as InjectedPrivateWallet;

Get zkAddress

const accounts = await mantaWallet.accounts.get();
if (!accounts || accounts.length <= 0) {
const { address as publicAddress, zkAddress } = accounts[0];

Subscribe to the State of the wallet

Through State, you can know the internal state of the private wallet, and dApp can do corresponding processing according to the state value

const [walletState, setWalletState] = useState<PrivateWalletStateInfo | null>(null);
const unSub = privateWallet.subscribeWalletState(setWalletState);

// walletState will be like:
isWalletInitialized: false, // Whether the instance of mantaPay and mantaSBT has been initialized
isWalletAuthorized: false, // Whether the private wallet has been authorized and whether the auth_context has been injected
isWalletReady: false, // Whether the private wallet is ready and whether the ledger has been synchronized
isWalletBusy: false, // Is the wallet busy

Get token balance

const assetId = '1'
const network = 'Calamari'
// Get the token balance in MantaPay
const balance = await privateWallet.getZkBalance({ network, assetId });
// balance will be like '100000000000'

const assetIds = ['1', '8', '9'];
// Get multiple Token Balance in MantaPay
const balanceList = await privateWallet.getMultiZkBalance({ network, assetIds });
// balance will be like ['100000000000', '0', '0']


const amount = '100';
const decimals = 12;

// sync wallet is required before build
await privateWallet.walletSync();

// build to private transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.toPrivateBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,
// txHexList will be like: ['0xaaaab12332131']


const receiveZkAddress = 'gUhdkKjmbQHup8yEDjRs4kNWMWxfn18hC6ThQcFW6DW';

// build private transfer transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.privateTransferBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,
toZkAddress: receiveZkAddress,


// build to public transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.toPublicBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,

signAndSend transaction

// signAndSend transaction
for (let i = 0; i < txHexList.length; i++) {
const tx = api.tx(txHexList[i]);
await tx?.signAndSend(publicAddress, () => {});

Get token balance

// Get the token balance in MantaSBT
const balance = await privateWallet.getZkSbtBalance({ network, assetId });
// Get multiple Token Balance in MantaSBT
const balance = await privateWallet.getMultiZkSbtBalance({ network, assetIds });

build multiSBT posts

const sbtInfoList = [
{ assetId: '1', amount: '1' },
{ assetId: '2', amount: '1' },
const { posts, transactionDatas } = await privateWallet.multiSbtPostBuild({ sbtInfoList, network });

get identity proof

await privateWallet.getSbtIdentityProof({
virtualAsset: '{"identifier":{...}}',
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,